
Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil

Fatty acids: Antimicrobial effects
Lauric acids: When ingested your body forms monolaurin.
Anti-inflammatory: Studies show that Coconut oil extract could improve the barrier function of the skin and reduce inflammation due to UVB rays.
Anti-bacterial: Research on coconut oil has also suggested that the oil may have antibacterial properties, even when people use it on the skin. Cellular studies indicate possible antifungal and antiviral capabilities.

Chronic inflammation is a major component of many different types of skin disorders, including psoriasis, contact dermatitis and eczema.

Test studies have shown they both help kill the following:

  • Staphylococcus which is a type of staph germ that causes infections. 4 types of Staphylococcus aureus germs.
  • Candida is a yeast (type of fungus) that can cause infection in people called Candidiasis; the most common is Candida Albicans. 


  • Kill harmful pathogens * Bacteria * Viruses * Fungi
  • Research suggests that it has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiviral properties.
  • Coconut oil is also very moisturizing for dry skin.

Mango Butter

Mango Kernel Butter

Rich in Oleic Acid: A mono-unsaturated omega-9 acid
Vitamin & Minerals: One of the highest fruits in Vitamin C which is important for forming blood vessels and healthy collagen. 
  • Vitamin A.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Vitamin K.
  • Potassium.
  • Beta-carotene.
  • Folate.
  • Choline.
  • Magnesium.
Antioxidant: High in Beta-carotene
Stearic Acid: Saturated fatty acid.

These are essential fatty acids the skin readily recognizes and absorbs, keeping it soft and supple. The rain forests and tropical regions of the world use it for its skin softening, soothing, moisturizing, and protective properties. 


  • Helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles increasing skin's overall youthful look. 
  • Benefits those suffering from skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis.
  • High levels of Vitamin A may also help reduce premature aging due to sun damage
  • Abundance of Vitamin E and Vitamin C may help protect your skin from pollution, sunlight, and even blue light from screen. These stressors can lead to damage and premature aging.

        Sweet Almond Oil

        Sweet Almond Oil


        Fatty acids: High percentage of unsaturated particularly
        Oleic and Linoleic acids: Displays very good oxidative stability even without added antioxidants.
        Vitamins: The Vitamin E and B-complex in this nutrient-dense oil help in skin repair and damage control. When used as a hair oil, Almond Oil is easily absorbed, giving a boost to shine and condition.
        • Useful in mature skin preparations for cellular support and lubrication, mostly attributable to its high fatty acid and essential fatty acid content. It is great as a simple overnight facial treatment, and leaves skin feeling beautifully soft and supple. 
        • Softens fine lines and restoring a healthy glow to skin. It is widely used topically for its ability to deeply penetrate the skin and is light in texture making for an ideal facial oil. 
        • Has anti-inflammatory properties which help to tame chaffing and chapping, reduce redness caused by drying, ease the effects of eczema and rosacea, and keep skin calm and comfortable.

        Macadamia Nut

        Macadamia Nut Oil

        Anti-inflammatory: Contains phytosterols, plant substances full of anti-inflammatory properties used to calm itchiness and redness, per Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University. They assist with everything from skin to cancer to heart health.
        Antioxidants: Good source of palmitoleic acid (omega 7) a powerful antioxidant that supports healthy cell membranes, hydrates the skin, and speeds healing.
        Just a few of the many anti-aging skin benefits. Similar to your skins natural sebum, and hydrates without clogging pores.
        • Absorbs, deeply soothes, moisturizes, and helps to heal scars, sunburn, and dry patches for that fresh, firm look.
        • Hypoallergenic, non-comedogenic (won't clog pores) contains squalene and omega 9 oleic acid. Together they assist with cell regeneration while soften and hydrating.
        • Safe for acne prone skin.
        • Macadamia oil contains omega 7 or palmitoleic acid, beneficial for wound healing, scratches and burns and omega 9 oleic acid which softens and soothes.

        Shea Butter

        Shea Butter

        Antioxidant: Contains high levels of vitamins A & E  
        Fatty acids: Linoleic, oleic, stearic, and palmitic tied to moisturizing skin and acting as a "refatting" agent restoring lipids and rapidly creating moisture while sealing it in. Helps clear your skin of excess oil (sebum) helping to prevent acne.
        Anti-inflammatory: The plant esters of Shea Butter have been found to have anti-inflammatory properties. When applied to the skin, shea triggers cytokines and other inflammatory cells to slow their production.
        Antifungal: Balances oil in skin, anti-fungal (kills spores of the fungi that causes ringworm and athletes foot).
        • Powerful antioxidant, promotes collagen growth and cell regeneration.
        • Contains triterpenes, naturally occurring chemical compounds thought to deactivate collagen fiber destruction.
        • Heals stretch marks and scars, smooths fine lines and wrinkles,
        • Moisturizes hair and aids with dandruff
        • Helps eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis
        • Heals burns, insect bites, aids in pain, sore muscles, congestion,
        • Safe for all skin types
        • Low in proteins that trigger allergies, non-comedogenic/doesn't clog pores.
        • Provides a barrier against the outside environment reducing the risk of dryness.
        • Does not make skin oily.
        • Protects against free radicals that lead to premature aging and dull skin. 

          Prickly Pear


          Prickly Pear 

          Vitamins & Minerals: Goji Berry Oil also contain vitamins B1, B2, B6 and E. Goji berries are filled with trace minerals such as selenium, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, iron and copper. 
          Antibacterial: Antibacterial substances are know to cleanse skin and stop acne breakouts. 
          Hydration: Contains a high contact of linoleic acid, helping skin to retain water keeping it hydrated. 
          Anti-aging: Goji Berry Oil - Known as the “wolfberry”, Goji is the fruit of Lyceum barb arum. Lyceum (Chinese) has extremely popular anti-aging properties.
          Antioxidant: Since Goji Berry Oil contains powerful antioxidants, it helps guard the skin from free radical damage, resisting signs of aging. The antioxidants, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals that it contains makes it very beneficial in slowing down the aging process. 
          • Hydrates skin, helps retain moisture, prevents damage from sunlight, aging, and other stressors. Fat content in prickly pear oil is highly effective at delivering Vitamin A into skin.
          • These berries contain over 19 amino acids (like tryptophan that builds serotonin and phenylalanine that keeps your adrenals happy).
          • It is also known to be effective in preventing macular degeneration that can be caused due to the process of aging.

          Dragon Fruit

          Dragonfruit Seed Oil

          High in Vitamin C: Vitamin C is a popular beauty ingredient long known for its skin-saving properties. Its rich Vitamin C content aids in collagen production making skin plump and preventing it from drooping and being baggy. 
          Fatty Acids: Omega-3 and Omega-6 which is essential to the body's ability to control inflammation.
          Antioxidant: This combination of nutrients makes Pitaya Seed Oil a powerful antioxidant that helps protect skin against environmental aggressors and slow down signs of aging. 
          • For those suffering from dry and flaky skin, Pitaya Seed Oil can help seal in moisture, smoothing rough patches and giving you a dewy complexion.
          • This nutrient-rich oil also helps to strengthen, repair and protect hair from environmental and cosmetic damage.
          • Its super emollient and deeply hydrating properties make Dragon Fruit Seed Oil extremely popular as an ingredient for haircare products for treating dry scalp and dandruff.